quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2013

Project: Spot Monitoring in a parking lot. 

Beginning of a suggested theme by the teachers (sensors application), was requested that we should create a project using them.

The only rule is: Be limited to what was learnt in the university over these 3 years, eliminating so the knowledge earned on technician courses or on the job, out of our university course.

With this in mind, comes out an idea to implement a system of spot monitoring in a parking lot.
The functioning is simple and inside of what we learned over these 3 years, therefore, matching on what was proposed by the teachers.

Two phototransistors sensors at the entrance of the parking lot will work together, attached on two settled counters to the total spots at the parking lot, that will do the counting of entrance and exiting vehicles, and in turn the permission or not by the entrance gate with automatic opening that take in consideration the disposition or not of the free spots.

Will be a LED illuminated panel showing the free spots to park, doing a system that will monitor the situation of the spots in a complete way.

To put this idea on practice, we will use the following components:

  • 2 phototransistors;
  • 1 seven-segment display;
  • 1 crescent counter and another decreasing (based on FFs);
  • 9 Super Bright LEDs (control panel, stop light);
  • 7 Infrared sensors (installed on the spots);
  • 1 stepper motor (entrance gate);
  • 1 power supply (powered by the group).

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